Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Morning thought

Even though I know I won't have time today to read my Catching Fire book, I still carry it with me. The feeling of my book in my hands soothes me!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Morning Thought

I realized early this morning that I'm floating through the week in search of Friday. Has anyone seen Friday? I'm sleepy and tired and in need of rest.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Morning thought!

I awoke today to a fear in my heart. Failure. The word failure keeps invading my thoughts. Running around and colliding with my other peaceful thoughts. Consuming them whole until there is nothing left, but this single angry thought!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Jury Duty

I have returned from the twilight zone. Yesterday was a day filled with waiting, judging, questions and yes, attorneys!
I awoke in the wee hours of the morning, the sun barley revealing itself. Jury duty service is awaiting me. To dress myself took quite some time, longer this morning, almost purposely. The wish lurked in the mist of my mind, “Please call, county court house and tell me I’m above the law and don’t need to report”.
The call never came…
Sadly, I started my trusty black car, and revved up the engine; I was on my way. The rest of my day was spent in a chair, listening to attorneys in their polished suites and darting questions.
To sum up this post, Jury duty is extremely long, stressful and tiring. My poor book went untouched and cell phone went without texting. I have served my time. Now all there is left to do is light a candle, do a chant and hope my spirits warn off any Jury duty letters.